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“From the moment my daughters and me stepped into Ta'Xmun Farmhouse in Gozo we were overwhelmed with excitement knowing we surrounded by other artists. A sense of peacefulness and tranquillity flowed through my mind and body as I felt the urge of creativeness wanting to paint a landscape scenery on a piece of watercolour paper in bright colours! We had a wonderful, fulfilled long weekend and shall definitely come again and again. It was so much more than ‘only’ an art weekend!” - previous attendee
“We really enjoyed our weekend painting with Doranne in her beautiful old farmhouse. The beds were comfortable the atmosphere relaxed and friendly. It was fun to experiment and try new techniques, and to learn from Doranne’s experience and creativity” – previous attendee

Many, many thanks for an idyllic & inspirational seven days spent painting & exploring the joys of Gozo. Having taken part in a number of painting holidays abroad none have provided such a genuine insight into the culture, history & cuisine of a place & its people.

From being met at the airport the whole holiday experience was effortless & thoroughly relaxing, allowing painters & guests to switch onto the gentle rhythms of the island. Your website presented a picture of an unspoilt, idyllic sun-drenched island, I am delighted that neither Ta Xmun Farmhouse, the island or hospitality from yourself disappointed.

Gozo provided a multitude of easily reached quiet venues to paint, be they dramatic cliffscapes, exquisite turquoise beaches, stunning hilltop villages or scenes of rural life. Your teaching & demonstrations were very supportive & encouraging, building confidence among students in composition & technique whilst still allowing more experienced painters to explore & develop particular aspects of their work.

The glowing colours of the Mediterranean along with your infectious energy & passion for art will stay with me long after returning home.

Kind Regards

McLean (UK)

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