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Requirements for your

This course is open to any level of watercolour artist. That is beginners who already dabble in watercolour and who would like to improve or get started in Plein Air.


(I shall be available for a bit of training a few lessons during October for those of you who would like to get into it before this workshop commences. Just contact me on my email here.) 


Also intermediate artists who would like to enhance their knowledge and also advanced artists who would like to enjoy learning how Igli Arapi works first hand and demonstrates his masterly technique in Plein Air on the Maltese Islands.

plein air igli.jpeg


How To Do It

To reserve your place all you need to do is put a 20% deposit of the full price before 25th September, 2022.

This can be done by sending a local Maltese cheque or by making a Bank transfer or by using Revolut.

Details will be sent to you on your request to confirm by email.

Send your email to Doranne Alden on


Get in Touch


Everything You Need to Know

If by any chance you need to cancel there is a chance to refund your deposit up to 25th September. After this date the full amount will be required and this again will be refundable up to 10th October 2022.

As the group is limited we would appreciate that you confirm as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Learn More

Materials required for 

What You Will Need

A list will be sent to you when you send the balance for this workshop. But besides this you will need to bring your own folding easel, chair, and umbrella.

Also your own water for painting, and materials.

You will also need to bring your own packed lunch and drinks for the day out.

As the weather might be unpredictable we have also found some indoor locations that will be used for demos and work. We will be able to decide on this closer to the date.

Please Get in Touch


All about Our Locations

As we shall be informing you about our chosen locations before hand, your cooperation will be greatly appreciated with the following rules to join in this event.

That is you will obviously be joining the group on your own, (unless your friends are also participating) along with the group who will be also paying and working alongside you during this workshop.

We have chosen some lovely locations with some amenities available, such as safe parking, toilets and perhaps a refreshment van. 

Photos are allowed at the discretion of the group and the artist, also any photos to be shared or to be published online.

Some locations especially on Gozo may not have internet access during the day as the areas are a little out of reach.

NB. We also are not liable for your health and safety but will be on hand if you require any help or aid.

We Look Forward To Sharing this Wonderful Experience with You.
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